
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee PC

Well, today's my last day in Bangkok before I fly back home to San Francisco tomorrow, and hopefully I'll make it there safely.

Concerning the central unit of the NetWear device, I narrowed it down to two options:

A custom made unit


A laptop.

The pros of a Custom unit would be designing my own form factor. Using the newest micro computer tech I could probably design something the size of a few cigarette packs. However, designing and building a computer, especially that small, has it's own set of unique challenges to be overcome.

So I have decided to go with the Laptop option, and will relegate a custom computer to Stage III. I believe getting a proof of concept up and running is the main goal.

With that decided, the choice of laptop was fairly easy. An Asus EEE PC is currently one of the smallest, cheapest units available and I believe that, with some slight modifications, it will fit this application rather well. The EEE has a large, active modding community, which I believe will also be useful.

The "Plan"

Here's my trusty Moleskine, showing the first sketch of the NetWear prototype. Yeah, I know I'm not Da Vinci, but as long as I understand it that's good enough for now.

I split the project into different sections- or "Stages", if you will.

"Stage" "Roman Numeral One" is to get the main Unit up and running. This includes the PC, Control Mechanism, and Output. Being the Heart of the project, this stage will probably take the longest to put together, and will be the most expensive.

Also, during this time, or "Phase", I will begin practicing with the Control Mechanism, most likely a Chorded Keyboard (wiki), to bring up my typing speed, or "Words per Minute", aka "W.P.M."

"Stage" II will consist of getting Mobile broadband up, so I can connect to the Internet away from a Wireless router. As this will increase the mobile usefulness of the device along with its energy usage, this "Stage" also includes more power options, probably consisting of a couple of external battery packs.

And finally, "Stage" III will last the life of the unit, and includes adding functionality, or "Upgrades".

There you have it, a Three "Stage" plan to World Domination, er, Wearable Computing. I estimate beginning Stage I in Late June, with Stage III beginning sometime in August. Of course, as with any project of complexity, that figure can, and probably will change.


What is NetWear?

Well to be honest, it's a word I just imagined while signing up for this blog. Doesn't seem to be many entries on Google that aren't typos- though someone HAS registered netwear.com


I'm lying down on a stiff mattress in Bangkok recovering from surgery, with nothing much to do but read 'Wired' and scribbble into my graph paper Moleskine. I've decided to embark on a new project, and I decided to start this blog to document it, and quench my boredom.

Yes, it bodes well for the future of this thing, doesn't it?

So, my just made up definition: NetWear is a wearable item that connects one to the Internet.

Hmm, I suppose that definition could include those horrible SPOT watches Microsoft makes (made?) so I'll expand the definition to include the "real" internet, not the stripped down version on most portable devices.

Modern PDA's and Cellphones are currently the dominant mobile internet devices, but I don't include them in the NetWear category because you still have to take it out to look at the screen. The information should be always there, readily accessible- perhaps even Augm3nT1ng uRe r3al1tieZ.

Well, enough foreplay. Allow me to Geek Out for a moment and I'll come out and say it- I want a Wearable Computer.

Ah, Wearable Computing. It ranks up there with Virtual Reality in the Buzzwords of the Early 90's category.

On paper, it looks like a fine idea: Look at all the marvels the PC has brought to our lives by introducing them into our homes- just imagine if they were with us 24/7! With a wireless broadband connection, we'd basically have the answer to any fact at hand. Instantaneous news, Streaming Music and Video, Maps, Skype- the list goes on and on.

Of course, the reality is computers are still cumbersome. You'd need to power it all day, a major challenge in itself. Not to mention an unobtrusive method of input/output would be needed.

The "solutions" to these problems are monstrosities that haven't even caught on with the most hardcore of the nerdiest.

Well, I may not look like a typical NetWear aficondo, being absolutely gorgeous and all, but inside, I'm all Geek. And I am prepared to don the extremly hardcore equivalent of a Pocket Protector in exchange for the access to information I'll be granted.

The time for NetWear hasn't yet come. But, being an Aquarius, I've always been a little ahead of my time. Like I said above- I want one.

But since a device with my demanding specs doesn't yet exist, I'll just have to build one. It's going to take time. And money. A whole lot of money. But in the end, it will be mine.

Oh Yes, it will be mine...