
The "Plan"

Here's my trusty Moleskine, showing the first sketch of the NetWear prototype. Yeah, I know I'm not Da Vinci, but as long as I understand it that's good enough for now.

I split the project into different sections- or "Stages", if you will.

"Stage" "Roman Numeral One" is to get the main Unit up and running. This includes the PC, Control Mechanism, and Output. Being the Heart of the project, this stage will probably take the longest to put together, and will be the most expensive.

Also, during this time, or "Phase", I will begin practicing with the Control Mechanism, most likely a Chorded Keyboard (wiki), to bring up my typing speed, or "Words per Minute", aka "W.P.M."

"Stage" II will consist of getting Mobile broadband up, so I can connect to the Internet away from a Wireless router. As this will increase the mobile usefulness of the device along with its energy usage, this "Stage" also includes more power options, probably consisting of a couple of external battery packs.

And finally, "Stage" III will last the life of the unit, and includes adding functionality, or "Upgrades".

There you have it, a Three "Stage" plan to World Domination, er, Wearable Computing. I estimate beginning Stage I in Late June, with Stage III beginning sometime in August. Of course, as with any project of complexity, that figure can, and probably will change.

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